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When we finally got our first dog, we gained so much. A true friend to each individual family member. Barney is now nearly 12 and our sun, moon, and stars. He is with me each day in my studio, I know the bones of him, his routines and quirks as he knows us in return. This is what I aim to capture in all my paintings. The love and bond that is uniquely between human and canine.
Dog Painting Gallery (Framed or Unframed)
How your painting Works…
Step 1:
Decide between on your size of painting, 30 x 30cm, or 40 x 40cm (framing decisions come later). Please scroll down for Prices.
Step 2.
Please note that upon purchasing and checking out your dog painting spot, work must commence within the following couple of weeks to ensure your painting spot. I can’t guarantee your painting space further in the year. Please only purchase if you are ready to go.
Check out below here on my website. When checking out, a form will appear to ask your dog’s name, breed, and age. (Make sure to scroll down and have a little look at my T’s & C’s)
Step 3.
After checking out, you can pop back here (to under the photograph gallery) and upload photographs of your dog. You can also send them via via email or Text message/Whatsapp (feel free to send as many as you like). I will always message or email you to confirm that I have your images.
Order Your Painting Below.
Terms and Conditions.
On completion of your checking out and purchasing your dog painting, your 4 week painting space begins immediately. Please make sure you are ready to go before purchasing ❤️
I like to give myself around 4 weeks to paint though sometimes it’s a faster process than this. This 4 weeks include preparation, painting, and a little drying time. Your painting will leave my studio touch-dry. Oil Paintings can take months to dry fully, but your painting will be delivered protected and ready to hang on your wall with instructions.
If you would like your painting in haste, please let me know when we first chat, I will always do my best to accommodate you.
I will make sure to keep my monthly painting spaces updated above.
As is the norm, as the artist, I get to keep the copyright of all art I create. You, of course, own the painting. I am happy to make greeting cards, thank you notes, and postcards of your painting. Best to chat this over with me.
I would love to use your painting (once you have approved it) to share on my social channels and add to my portfolio of paintings. Sometimes these may be of use in the future for licensing, portfolio sales, or other, but I will do my best to keep you informed along the way.
I’m delighted to have a number of happy reviews for Dog Portrait Paintings over on Trustpilot