Bird-Party Outside at 4am

It’s 04.35am.

I’ve never been to a sound-bath but if I did, I’d like it to be like this one happening right now.

There is full-on life going on in my garden.

Our furry friends are singing their hearts out in order to stake their space, ward off other bloke-birds saying “I’m here, soz, this space is taken’. The theory is that birds sing in the morning when life is at its most quiet, in order for maximum sound travel.

My windows are open, the rest of the house is soundo, and I’m here, with you. Listening to the most organic of sounds, and these little (but loud) bursts of palpable energy.

two birds art

Above is a drypoint print drawing I made a few years ago called ‘Two Birds’.

My early rise this morning is very likely to bring on an afternoon nap, with the bulk of my work having been completed by around midday. So be it.

Am off to the studio soon, in my pyjamas so as not to wake the rest of the house as I clatter about looking for clothes.

Until then, it’s just me, you and the birds.

Good morning world.



Feeling Flowers


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