Studio event, summer 2024

I’m a member of a very special group of women. A group of 300 businesswomen that live all over the UK, and some overseas.

I pay £20 per month to belong to this group and becoming a member is the best investment I have made thus far for me and my business. Here is why…

Southwood Social Hub is now ten years old.

Founder Hayley Southwood found it hard to connect and build relationships at the various business networking events she attended. She wanted to make long-lasting connections with female business owners that would grow and sustain over time. She wanted to make connections between people, not build a pile of business cards in a jar.

Reaching out to the other business leaders in her network, Southwood Social Hub grew, and grew to where it is today.

I joined the group in 2022 and here is why it works so well for me.

  • The group meets twice a week online for 30 minutes at a time, with no pressure drop-ins.

  • There are at least 2 Masterclasses per month

  • It’s like having 300 women in your back pocket, there to answer questions at anytime.

  • There are real-life meet ups every month, dotted all over the country.

  • There is live journalling around your business intentions

  • Each member is known affectionately termed a Maven (Cambridge Dictionary: a person with good knowledge or understanding of a subject)

  • The members of the group come from all different walks of life, most are independent businesses. Members are everything from Picture Framers to Solicitors, Global Leaders for world-leading Industries, and of course, Artists.

  • I love that each member is a face, a person, not a business first. Connection is made person to person - you only tend to find out what each member does, by talking and interacting. It’s not business-first practice

As with anything in life, what you put in is what you get out of belonging to a group such as this. It’s worked beautifully for me and I share in the hope that it works for you too.

Much love

Sam x

Ps. The photographs above are from our Maven Meet-Up in my garden studio, it was a magical day.

You can find all the details for the group here. It’s 90% run via a Facebook Group and works beautifully.


A total success. Our first Artists, Makers and Creatives Day.


My Summer and Autumn Events List For 2024