Samantha Barnes

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Intro To The Cinnamon Trust

The older our dogs get, the more we love them.

Have you heard of The Cinnamon Trust?

They are 'The National Charity for older people, the terminally ill and their pets'.
In short, when people can no longer care for their pets, the charity will do so for them via a national family of fostering and care.
I am so going to become a foster mum in the future.

If you know of someone that is struggling to look after their pet, GET THEM TO REGISTER their animal for peace of mind - the charity can only help if their animal is registered and it’s NEVER too early to do so.

This is called PET PROFILING and takes about 30 minutes. It's SO worth doing, even if you (or your loved one) are in full swing of health. If you are concerned about what might happen to your beloved pet(s) this is truly, a wonderful organisation.

Sir actual Paul Mccartney is a Patron - and whose not going to trust him with the little loves of our lives ❤️

This is something that I'm going to get involved with post Barney (my own dog)

Much love

Sam x